
Linnea loved drama — dramatic readings, one-person short plays, plays with huge casts, musicals, street performance — old, new, traditional, experimental, she loved it all. Her poetry lends itself to dramatic readings, and she hoped to turn Swedish Christmas into an elaborate stage event.

But perhaps her most important play is Could Be You/ a one-person play in one act, which is based on the Jane project which she described in her essay “”Something Real: Jane and Me. / Memories and Exhortations of a Feminist Ex-Abortionist.”

We’re hoping advocates for women’s reproductive rights will present Could Be You in all sorts of venues, all over the country, starting NOW. This is a play all women need to see, but especially young women. We urge you to download this play and share it with everyone you know. Speak out for women’s reproductive freedom. Educate young women so that they understand what they are in danger of losing: their very lives.

Download Could Be You 

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