
Linnea was known for speaking out against willful ignorance, prejudice, and injustice whenever she saw it, which was often. She was known for her quick wit, which was always on point and often acerbic. She did not pull punches. She set an example of forthrightness and extraordinary courage for women everywhere.

A lifelong feminist, Linnea was a strong advocate of reproductive rights. Before Roe vs. Wade, she worked with the Jane project in Chicago, helping women secure safe abortions. She described this experience in “Something Real: Jane and Me. / Memories and Exhortations of a Feminist Ex-Abortionist” (Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, 2001, CWLUMemoir/Johnson.html; and Rain And Thunder, radical feminist collective publication, Oakland, CA, Spring Equinox 2002), and she constantly spoke out against all efforts to turn back the clock to the horrific pre-Roe conditions for women.

We are making this essay available here (and as a blog entry) as the first of Linnea’s essays to re-publish because current events put reproductive rights in serious danger throughout the United States. We urge you to download this essay and share it with everyone you know. Speak out for women’s reproductive freedom. Educate young women so that they understand what they are in danger of losing: their very lives.

Download “Something Real: Jane and Me./ Memories and Exhortations of a Feminist Ex-Abortionist”

Also download the Jane play, It Could Be You, from here or from the Plays page.

Download It Could Be You

Linnea advocated for Marriage Equality.

Download Marriage 101: A Case for Marriage Equality


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