Could Be You: The Fight for Reproductive Freedom

We’re hoping advocates for women’s reproductive rights will present Could Be You in all sorts of venues, all over the country, starting NOW. This is a play all women need to see, but especially young women. We urge you to download this play and share it with everyone you know. Speak out for women’s reproductive freedom. Educate young women so that they understand what they are in danger of losing: their very lives.

Download Could Be You 

Swedish Christmas

Linnea’s Swedish Christmas collection of poems is available for download here:
Download Swedish Christmas

The poems tell the story of the fanciful and sometimes fearsome tales a father tells his daughter during a Christmas visit to the ancestral home in southern Sweden. Long ago, images of ancestors, beings, guides, saints, and gods were painted on the ceilings and walls of Swedish homes. The father’s stories quicken the ceiling’s paintings, braiding saga, saint, and myth and, like Christmas, evoking ancestors, guides, saints, and gods.

The East Side of Chicago

The East Side of Chicago is a collection of 10 poems that Linnea wrote between 1984 and 2005, four of which were published in various poetry magazines and collections. Linnea loved cities, especially Chicago, but she also mourned the peoples and natural environments cities have replaced and was keenly aware of the loss.

Linnea put the poems together in this collection some time after 2010. You may download them from this link or from the poetry page:

The East Side of Chicago